Measures of Central Tendency MCQs

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on Measures of Central Tendency, a fundamental topic in the field of Business Statistics. Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, honing your problem-solving skills, or simply looking to enhance your abilities in this field, our Measures of Central Tendency MCQs are designed to help you grasp the core concepts and excel in solving problems.

In this section, you'll find a wide range of Measures of Central Tendency mcq questions that explore various aspects of Measures of Central Tendency problems. Each MCQ is crafted to challenge your understanding of Measures of Central Tendency principles, enabling you to refine your problem-solving techniques. Whether you're a student aiming to ace Business Statistics tests, a job seeker preparing for interviews, or someone simply interested in sharpening their skills, our Measures of Central Tendency MCQs are your pathway to success in mastering this essential Business Statistics topic.

Note: Each of the following question comes with multiple answer choices. Select the most appropriate option and test your understanding of Measures of Central Tendency. You can click on an option to test your knowledge before viewing the solution for a MCQ. Happy learning!

So, are you ready to put your Measures of Central Tendency knowledge to the test? Let's get started with our carefully curated MCQs!

Measures of Central Tendency MCQs | Page 7 of 8

The product A has per unit contribution of 6 with the sold quantity of 120 units, product B has per unit contribution of 8 with sold quantity of 100 units and product C has per unit contribution of 10 with sold quantity of 130 units then the weighted average mean is
Answer: (b).$8.06
The type of central tendency measures which divides data set into four equal parts is
Answer: (a).quartiles
If value of mode is 14 and value of arithmetic mean is 5 then the value of median is
Answer: (c).8
The properties such as variation, central tendency and shape of distribution of frequency are basis to extract information from
Answer: (d).descriptive measures
The numerical value which shows the tendency around central value of cluster is classified as
Answer: (a).central tendency
The concept used in calculation of index numbers and where smaller observations must be taken into consideration is called
Answer: (c).geometric mean
The distribution which has outliers with relatively lower values is considered as
Answer: (d).negatively skewed
The calculation of average which is calculated by pooling the data together from different data sets is classified as
Answer: (a).geometric mean
In the measure of central tendency, the sample statistic is denoted by
Answer: (b).roman letter x̅
For the individual observations, the reciprocal of arithmetic mean is called
Answer: (b).harmonic mean
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