Ordering of Sentences MCQs

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on Ordering of Sentences, a fundamental topic in the field of Verbal Ability. Whether you're preparing for competitive exams, honing your problem-solving skills, or simply looking to enhance your abilities in this field, our Ordering of Sentences MCQs are designed to help you grasp the core concepts and excel in solving problems.

In this section, you'll find a wide range of Ordering of Sentences mcq questions that explore various aspects of Ordering of Sentences problems. Each MCQ is crafted to challenge your understanding of Ordering of Sentences principles, enabling you to refine your problem-solving techniques. Whether you're a student aiming to ace Verbal Ability tests, a job seeker preparing for interviews, or someone simply interested in sharpening their skills, our Ordering of Sentences MCQs are your pathway to success in mastering this essential Verbal Ability topic.

Note: Each of the following question comes with multiple answer choices. Select the most appropriate option and test your understanding of Ordering of Sentences. You can click on an option to test your knowledge before viewing the solution for a MCQ. Happy learning!

So, are you ready to put your Ordering of Sentences knowledge to the test? Let's get started with our carefully curated MCQs!

Ordering of Sentences MCQs | Page 6 of 8

S1: While talking to a group, one should feel self-confident and courageous.
P : Nor is it a gift bestowed by providence on only a few.
Q : One should also learn how to think calmly and clearly.
R : It is like the ability to play golf.
S : It is not as difficult as most men imagine.
S6: Any man can develop his capacity if he has the desire to do so.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (b).QSPR
S1: A ceiling on urban property.
P : No mill-owner could own factories or mills or plants.
Q : And mass circulation papers
R : Would mean that
S : No press magnate could own printing presses.
S6: since their value would exceed the ceiling fixed by the government.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (b).RPSQ
S1: The art of growing old is one which the passage of time has forced upon my attention.
P : One of these is undue absorption in the past.
Q : One's thought must be directed to the future and to things about which there is something to be done.
R : Psychologically, there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.
S : It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friend who are dead.
S6: This is not always easy one's own past is gradually increasing weight.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (c).RPSQ
S1: I keep on flapping my big ears all day.
P : They also fear that I will flip them all away.
Q : But children wonder why I flap them so.
R : I flap them so to make sure they are safely there on either side of my head.
S : But I know what I am doing.
S6: Am I not a smart, intelligent elephant?
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (b).QPSR
S1: A gentleman who lived alone always had two plates placed on the table at dinner time.
P : One day just as he sat down to dine, the cat rushed in to the room.
Q : One plate was for himself and other was for his cat.
R : she drooped a mouse into her own plate and another into her master plate.
S : He used to give the cat a piece of meat from his own plate.
S6: In this way the cat showed her gratitude to her master.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (a).QSPR
S1: Ants eat worms, centipedes and spiders.
P : They are usually much quicker than the ant itself.
Q : Nevertheless, these animals do not make easy game for ants.
R : Besides, they have an extraordinary number of ways of escaping.
S : They also eat larvae and insect adults such as flies, moths and spring tails.
S6: Some jump, and some give out a pungent repellent substance.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (a).SQPR
S1: Satyajit Ray made several films for children.
P : Later film makers have followed his lead.
Q : Today other nations are making the children's film in a big way.
R : This was at a time when no director considered children as potential audience.
S : Ray was, thus, a pioneer in the field.
S6: But today few think of Ray as a maker of children's films.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (c).RSPQ
S1: Hungary, with a population of about 10 million, lies between Czechoslovakia to the north and Yugoslavia to the south.
P : Here a great deal of grain is grown.
Q : In recent years, however, progress has been made also in the field of industrialisation.
R : Most of this country consists of an extremely fertile plain, through which the river Danube flows.
S : In addition to grain, the plain produces potatoes, sugar, wine and livestock.
S6: The new industries derive mainly from agricultural production.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (b).RPSQ
S1: Palaeobotany is the study of fossil plants preserved in rocks dating back in millions of years.
P : Records of the history of the world are contained in fossils.
Q : Through the ages, plants have evolved from simple to more complex forms.
R : First there were water plants then land plants appeared during the Paleozoic era.
S : But since the fossil remains appear locked in rock layers, they are closely related to the geologist area of investigation.
S6: The fossil plants indicate the age of the rock, and also point to facts regarding climate, temperature and topography.
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (d).QRPS
S1: On vacation in Tangier, Morocco, my friend and I sat down at a street cafe.
P : At one point, he bent over with a big smile, showing me, a single gold tooth and a dingy fez.
Q : soon I felt the presence of someone standing alongside me.
R : But this one wouldn't budge.
S : We had been cautioned about beggars and were told to ignore them.
S6: Finally a man walked over to me and whispered, "Hey buddy this guy is your waiter and he wants your order"
The Proper sequence should be:
Answer: (c).QSRP
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